In the News
Advance Illinois serves as a resource for media outlets from across the state and beyond on policy issues in education from birth to career. Here’s our recent coverage.
Why Illinois should invest in more bilingual teachers
The fastest-growing group of students in the state often do not have equal access to the education afforded to English-proficient students because there simply aren't enough teachers with the specialized knowledge and skills to effectively teach these students in both their home language and English.
Despite possible lean budget, Illinois education officials seek more tax dollars
The Illinois State Board of Education is aiming high in its request for more taxpayer funding in the next fiscal year.
Illinois Board of Education asks for an additional $653 million for state education budget next year
The Illinois State Board of Education is proposing a $653 million increase to the state’s education budget, bringing the overall budget for next school year to $11 billion. The proposal — less than what advocates pushed for during hearings in the fall — is ultimately voted on by state lawmakers.
Illinois State Board of Education to Seek $653M Increase in Upcoming Budget Year
The Illinois State Board of Education endorsed a budget request Wednesday that includes a $653 million increase in funding for PreK-12 public schools. It’s a request that lawmakers may find hard to accommodate in a year when the state faces a projected $891 million budget deficit.
Robin Steans: How Do We Address the Educator Shortage in Illinois? We Have Powerful Tools to Do So.
When discussing the educator workforce shortages in Illinois, it is evident that the challenges our education system faces are complex. We must address this issue with urgency.