Our Board
Our Board
Advance Illinois board members are passionate leaders from both the public and private sectors who believe in creating an equitable education system for all Illinois students.
*Founding Member
John A. Edwardson*, Co-Chair
Former Chairman and CEO, CDW
Marin Gjaja, Co-Chair
Chief Customer Officer,
Ford Model e -
HON. William M. Daley*, Founding Co-Chair
Vice Chairman of Public Affairs, Wells Fargo; Former White House Chief of Staff
HON. Jim Edgar*, Founding Co-Chair
Former Governor of Illinois
Ellen Alberding*
President, The Joyce Foundation
Jason Barickman
Partner, Fairlawn Capital and Meyer Capel, PC
Harry Berman
Former Executive Director, Illinois Board of Higher Education
Becky Betts
Former Chief Marketing & External Affairs Officer,
A Better Chicago -
Lew Collens*
President Emeritus, Illinois Institute of Technology
REV. K. Edward Copeland
Pastor, New Zion Baptist Church & Chair, Alignment Rockford
HON. John Cullerton
Former Illinois Senate President
Judy Erwin
Managing Director, Kivvit
Shayne Evans
Founder & Managing Partner, The Academy Group
Gary Fencik
Senior Partner, Adams Street Partners
James C. Franczek, JR.*
Founding Partner and President, Franczek P.C.
Janice K. Jackson, EdD
Chief Executive Officer, Hope Chicago
Clare Muñana
President of Ancora Associates, Inc.
Lynda Parker
Assistant Superintendent/Principal, Oak Park and River Forest High School District 200
Sylvia Puente*
Executive Director, Latino Policy Forum
Bill Polasky
10th-12th Grade Teacher, Meridian Community Unit School District 223, Educator Advisory Council Member
Juan Salgado
Chancellor, City Colleges of Chicago
Sonia W. Soltero, PhD
Professor and Department Chair, College of Education, DePaul University
Sara R. Stoelinga
President & CEO, Easterseals Chicago
Jason J. Tyler
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Northern Trust
Kristy N. Waterman
Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary, TreeHouse Foods