In the News
Advance Illinois serves as a resource for media outlets from across the state and beyond on policy issues in education from birth to career. Here’s our recent coverage.
Robin Steans: How Do We Address the Educator Shortage in Illinois? We Have Powerful Tools to Do So.
When discussing the educator workforce shortages in Illinois, it is evident that the challenges our education system faces are complex. We must address this issue with urgency.
Worried about Teacher Shortage? Invest in Leaders
Teachers often leave due to poor working conditions and inadequate support from school leaders. Investing in capable school leaders is vital for retaining high-quality educators, while effective district leaders play a key role in empowering principals.
Will County Educators Get In-Depth Look at Teacher ‘Shortage’
Will County educators recently got an in-depth look at the question of whether Illinois has enough teachers. Advance Illinois, a policy and advocacy group that focuses on public education, presented the findings of its study titled “The State of Our Educator Pipeline 2023” to local educators Nov. 30 in Joliet.
Why is Teacher Diversity Important and How is It Being Addressed in Metro-East Schools?
Decades of research show that students being taught by a diverse teacher workforce improves educational outcomes, especially for students of color.
District 186 Report Card Was a "Gut Punch"
The educational symptoms of the COVID disruptions are still noticeable in Springfield School District 186, where the district generally did not perform as well as the state average in several categories on the ISBE Report Card. But District 186 officials note that progress is being made in key areas, and that upward trajectory is a better measure of what is occurring in Springfield's schools.